For The Kids
Our Weekend Getaway to Hershey!
We recently spent the weekend away enjoying Hershey Park and The Hotel Hershey in Hershey, Pennsylvania! This summer has been busier than ever with camps, work, and tournaments, so this was the perfect trip to get away close by and enjoy some family fun! The Hotel...
Coterie: The Game-Changing Diaper Our Moms Are Loving!
As moms, we try to savor every moment we can with our kids. But there are some moments that are a little harder to appreciate than others. Diapering our babies often falls into that category (sandwiched between lack of sleep and toddler tantrums, ha!). That’s why we...
Check Out Our Ocean County Parks Guide!
Ocean County has a lot to offer when it comes to parks. Whether your in search of a long hike, playgrounds or dog walking, there is a something for everyone. Check out our list of local parks!
Christina Geist on Sorry Grownups, You Can’t Go to School!
Back to School time is coming fast! All the details on this wonderful new book by this accomplished mom of two.
The Local Moms Network Summer Reading Guide for Kids
As a follow up to our Summer Reading Guide for Moms, we decided to put together a Summer Reading Guide for Kids, with recommendations from some of our moms across the country that make up The Local Moms Network. Check out their picks and freshen your reading routine this summer!
Baby Sunscreen: Smackdown on the Best Buys
Confused about what sunscreen is best for your baby? Check out the unbiased reviews of sunscreens in every imaginable category a Mom wants to know about.
7 Baby & Toddler Truths from Dr. Harvey Karp of The Happiest Baby on the Block
If you’ve had a baby in the two decades, Harvey Karp probably needs little introduction. In 2001, this pediatrician co-founded The Happiest Baby, a multi-media parenting brand that provides advice through bestselling books (millions of books have been sold,...
Meet New York Times Bestselling Picture Book Author, Pat Zietlow Miller
Author of BE KIND shares with Southern Ocean County Moms her motivation for writing such an inspirational children’s book that is a favorite among teachers, librarians, and parents.